Shake things up with a little creativity!

Check out our class schedule and book your next great cocktail-making night out!

Our Classes

Seasonal Experience

Summer is almost here and calls for patio’s, rooftops, & refreshing cocktails like Watermelon margaritas.

Ever wonder how bartenders think of your favorite cocktails for the different seasons? Hosting a party soon and want to make a themed impression? This rotating class featuring seasonal favorites will give you recipes and ideas pairing your favorite flavors to match anytime of the year!

Check in to see new classes often!

The Classics

Going back to the basics and giving you the tools you need to be a staple at every party!

These drinks have left their stamp on history, are unforgettable, and can be found at any bar. In this class, you will have the opportunity to make drinks such as a perfect Old Fashioned, an unbelievably smooth Manhattan, or kick it up a notch with the National cocktail of Brazil, the Caiprinna.

You will make a variety of cocktails curated from different regions and periods of history to show how this craft has grown over hundreds of years.

Our goal is to provide you with a fun cocktail making experience that gives you the skills to show off to your friends and have them asking for another round, again and again!

Learn more about our business and philosophy around mixology!